Monday, April 26, 2010

Blah blah blah!


That just about says it all.

We've been doing a lot of crunch time. And our 'game' still kinda looks like crap. There's all sorts of issues with the collisions and orientations in our game.

I always seem to end up on teams that want to do advanced forms of regular things. For example, when I was in SGP, my group was the only team to do a 3D game. And now here in Final Project, my group is doing an advanced form of collisions, colliding a sphere with the triangles of a mesh, no matter how big or small the triangle is or what it's orientation is. And our character has to orient to that surface.

Ugly stuff.

It's kind of funny though, as DirectX actually has a function that does all of that for us... Something like D3DXMeshCollision or something like that, and it gives us a collision point, a surface normal, and just about everything else that we need. I just find that really amusing that we're struggling to reinvent the wheel. The downside of that though is that we'd have to use .x files for our game.

Today is Proof of Concept turn in. I'm really tired. I can't wait for this day to be over.

I'm always in the middle of Blah Blah Blah's going on. Blah blah blah's on my left, Blah blah blah's on my right. Just a world of Blah Blah Blah's.

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